Hi guys, welcome back to another session on Erotics and Whatnot. I hope you have all been safe and taking care of yourselves. Welcome into the new month, manifesting blessings for everyone. Suppose it’s your birthday this week; happy birthday from all of us at Erotics and Whatnot.

I hope you read the last story I posted, and I hope you shared it with your friends.

Today’s post was inspired by a thread I saw on Twitter sometime last week, Men were sharing their experiences with women with vaginal infections, and it was appalling to read what was being said. It is important to be educated on what vaginal infections are and how they can be treated as quickly as possible.

So I decided to write this post on vaginal infections to educate those who don’t know or recognize the symptoms of vaginal infections. If you notice the symptoms I describe in this post, please do not keep them to yourself.

You might be feeling ashamed to talk to someone, but you have to do it for the sake of your health; there is nothing to be ashamed about. You would be amazed at the number of women with vaginal infections in a year.

So see a doctor or talk to someone you trust and try to get rid of the infections as fast as possible. Some infections are easier to treat than some, so you have to be patient.

So let’s begin.

Symptoms of Vaginal Infections

Before I get into the type of vaginal infection, let’s talk about the symptoms you will see if you get infected. There are different types of symptoms based on the infection you have, but the common ones are:

  • A thick discharge from your vagina, it’s usually white, sometimes it might not be as thick and it rages in colour like white, yellow or green. It is accompanied by a fish like smell and soreness in or around the vagina.
  • Pain or burning sensation when you pee, when you have sex.
  • Pain in your lower abdomen or your pelvis.
  • Warts or ulcers around your vulva.
  • Redness and swelling of the vagina and vulva.
  • Itchy sensation in the vagina/vulva.
  • Bleeding between periods or after you just had sex.

You can have one of these symptoms or a combination. It is normal to have vaginal discharge; the consistency changes during your menstrual cycle if you are pregnant or youtake contraceptive pills.

Types of Vaginal Infections

If you notice one or more of these symptoms stated earlier, then you might have one of these common vaginal infections. See a doctor and get a correct diagnosis of what infection you might have.

  • Bacterial Vaginosis: This is caused by the overgrowth of the bacteria that lives in the vagina. Your vagina naturally has bacteria living in it so do not be alarmed, but if it starts to grow too much then it tips the scale and you will develop Bacterial Vaginosis.  This infection is usually triggered if you recently changed your sexual partner. This infection also affects women who are not sexually active; most women who get it don’t have symptoms. The symptom of this infection is a thin whitish discharge accompanied with a fish smell especially after sex. This infection doesn’t come with any irritation, itching or soreness. You can get a prescription from a doctor if you notice this.
  • Yeast Infection:  This is the most common form of vaginal infections. When a fungus overgrows in your vagina, you get a yeast infection. This is perfectly normal and a lot of women get infected with it.  This infection is accompanied with itchiness in or around the vagina and a thick whitish discharge. See your doctor or a pharmacist if you notice you have a yeast infection.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

There are infections that are transmitted from sexual contact without any form of protection. There are quite a number of them, but the common ones are as follows;

  • Herpes: This is caused by the herpes simplex virus and it is passed on from sexual contact. It causes blisters around the vagina and you might have a fever or headache if you have herpes. One thing about herpes is that you can’t rid of the virus, you can get rid of the blisters around your vagina but the virus will remain inside your body. It can flare up in your body even after you have gotten it treated but it won’t be intense as the first time you get it. It can flare up again due to a number of factors like smoking, drinking and stress. You should see your doctor if you notice you have herpes, your doctor might suggest cleaning the infected area with salt water and applying a gel on the blisters. You might also get a prescription of antiviral medicine.
  • Gonorrhoea: Symptoms of gonorrhoea usually manifest within 10 days of getting infected. It is an infection caused by bacteria. Men and Women suffer from this infection. You will feel a burning sensation when you pee and women might bleed between their periods. Gonorrhea should be treated immediately you notice it; it can go on to cause infertility or chronic pelvis pain if it is left untreated. See a doctor and get a prescription of antibiotics. You should contact anyone you had sex with recently and tell them to get tested.
  • Chlamydia:  Remember that episode in Sex Education where there was a chlamydia outbreak at the school and the students were freaking out thinking it was airborne. It was hilarious seeing them running in every direction trying to get away from it. This infection is caused by bacteria, you might not know you have chlamydia but if you notice that you have more vagina discharge than normal, bleeding during your periods and after sex, then you might have chlamydia. Chlamydia like Gonorrhoea must be treated immediately; it is easily treated with antibiotics.  You need to also contact your recent sexual partners to get tested.
  • Warts: It is caused by the human papilloma virus. They are usually spread through sexual contact.  They will appear as small growth around the vagina, cervix or vulva and even the anus. They are painful and they itch or bleed. See a doctor if you notice these symptoms, your doctor will prescribe an ointment that you can use to get rid of them. In some cases, more intense treatment are required e.g. excision; cutting off the warts and electro-cautery. Warts like Herpes do not completely leave the body.
  • Trichomoniasis:  It is caused by a parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. If you have this infection, you will notice a yellow or white foul smelling or foamy discharge from your vagina. You can also have soreness and itching around the vulva. It should be treated immediately and it can be treated with antibiotics. You will need to get in contact with your recent sexual partners and advise them to get tested too.

Prevention of vaginal Infections

Seeing as most of the infections are transmitted from sexual contact, it is advised to use protection, i.e., a condom when having sex. You should also talk with your sexual partner about getting tested before you have sex.   

Also, avoid using soap and any bath additives around your vagina; these can irritate the vagina. Remember, the vagina is self-cleansing; all it needs is washing with water.

Treatment of vaginal infections

You should see a doctor/gynecologist if you notice you have the symptoms listed earlier. Your doctor will perform a gynecological exam to diagnose your condition.  Don’t ignore these infections, and don’t be shy to talk to a doctor.

This concludes today’s session. I hope by now we are all properly informed of different vaginal infections and their treatments.  Like I said earlier, if you notice any of these symptoms in your partners, please endeavor to bring it to their notice to get it treated immediately.

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Source: GIPHY

Thank you for reading; see you next time🌹.