Hi there, how are you doing?

How is your 2024 so far?

Today on the blog, we will be discussing how to open up to your partner better this year.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that some of us (I included) have a hard time opening up to our partners.

One of the things I hear a lot is if you are truly in love with your partner, opening up shouldn’t be a problem.

Pure bullshit.

Maybe this is true for some people but not for me. It is always so hard to open up and let other people into your most vulnerable place.

Am I right?

Sometimes what we want to say is on our tongues but we just need that push to get it out.

We often think our partners might leave us or they might see us in a different light.

I get it, I do.

But you don’t have to worry about this from 2024 moving along. I have gone the extra mile for you and found out ways you can use to open up to your partner better.

I only ask one thing before I move on, that you use these tips well and you put in the work.

Your problems of not knowing how to open yourself up to your partner (I mean this emotionally omg, you are so bad!) will be one step closer to being solved today.

You can use these tips I will be highlighting below and see a therapist (if you don’t get to improve or you need more counseling.)

How To Open Up To Your Partner

An image of a man and woman laying on the grass in a bog post on How to Open Up To Your Partner.

I hope your problem of not opening up to your partner will be at least one step better today.

I hope you use these tips and if you have more questions, I am happy to take them.


Two men stand in the background wearing jackets while a woman in a jacket stands with her back to them and her hands over her mouth like she is crying.

Today on how to open up to your partner, our first agenda is to ignore rejection.

Honestly, I get it.

That thought of being rejected can be so scary when you want to talk about your feelings or open up.

But understand that to be open, you need to be vulnerable if you want to be comfortable with your partner but the catch? You don’t know the outcome of it.

You need to be able to speak about your feelings in a safe environment and your partner also has to understand that it isn’t easy for you to express yourself verbally.

Do it one step at a time and if you feel you are getting overwhelmed, you stop and pick it up another day.

You got this!


Our second item on the agenda on how to open up to your partner is Making Firm Statements.

When you are opening up to your partner, be firm and direct. Don’t try to hold yourself back and cut down on your words, don’t ask questions too.

Say what you feel and exactly what you need from your partner, also use a lot of “I” statements.

After all, you are the one opening up.


Our third item on how to open up to your partner is… you guessed it. Explain what you want.

Don’t be afraid to explain if your partner is confused about anything.

Try to make it clear for them so there is no confusion on their part. The goal here is to open up to your partner so they can know how to love you better.

Even if it might feel uncomfortable or you expect your partners to know some things already, just know they are human too and they might need some clarity on how you feel.

What you need is what you need, make them see that.


Coming in fourth today on how to open up to your partner is YOU ARE NOT TELEPATHIC.

You are not Jean Grey (gosh, even if you are).

Don’t assume your partner will think of you in a bad way or they will say something that will hurt you.

They will not (and if they do, you know you should walk out of there very fast).

I know partners know each other a lot but when it comes to this, do not read their minds.

Say what you want and know that if they love you as they claim, they will work toward making you feel more at home.


In fifth today on how to open up to your partner is setting a time to talk with them.

I find if I prepare for something like this, I find I have nothing to say (lol.)

But having time to talk will help you have a cool head and have some talking points before you start.

This way you and your partner know this set time is for your feelings and they will be super prepared to listen to you.

Setting a time to talk is not corny or too “strict”, it is setting time to talk to your partner and being with them.

If you are one for spontaneous talks, go for it then!


The one before the last on how to open up to your partner is setting clear boundaries.

Figure out your non-negotiables and stick to them.

If there are things that make you uncomfortable, things you want your partner to do, or things you don’t like your partner doing, communicate them.

Lay them down, and make them aware this is what you can’t go back on, also encourage them to communicate their boundaries with you.

This is important to help you open up well.


Our last item today on how to open up to your partner is coming to a resolution.

Do not end the “talk session” without coming to a resolution about your feelings.

Make sure you are leaving with some clarity and that your partner also understands what it is you need from them to be able to open up more to them.

Agree and move forward from there.

Opening up to your partner will no doubt be hard but having the determination to talk about the problem will get you there.

You might not get it right the first time but keep going and you will get it right.

I hope you found some value in this guide on how to open up to your partner that will help you open up more and if you did, which one stood out the most to you?

Will you be using these tips on how to open up to your partner more?

Do let me know.

Make sure you share this post on how to open up to your partner with your friends, colleagues, and partners too. Also, subscribe to the newsletter if you haven’t, I hear they are interesting.

Follow me on social media too, I’m cool.

See you soon.